Welcome to the Better Life Assembly website. Whether you are an internet surfer who just happened to land here or you came here specifically to learn more about Better Life Assembly, we’re glad you stopped by.
Our goal at Better Life Assembly is to make you feel welcome to share the love of God with each person who comes to us. We strive to create an environment where you can feel safe no matter where you are in life because Better Life Assembly is a place of worship where lives are changed.
There are a lot of different ways you can connect with us, and we hope you will choose one of them: become a fan on Facebook, watch us on YouTube, tweet with us on Twitter, or receive our e-newsletter. Wherever you are, know that there is room for you at Better Life Assembly.
Thanks for visiting, we hope you’ll come back again soon!

Every child whether in the church or on the streets was created and born with a God-given purpose; too great to be forgotten.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
– Proverbs 22:6
The Importance of GATHERING.
One of the best places to share our love with one another is when we gather together to worship God as one. This is usually in Church, at Group Bible Studies, or other Christian gatherings. The world looks to Christians when seeking the existence and legitimacy of God and the love we preach of. Let people see God’s love emulate within us.

Pastors Phillip and Candy Thomas
Pastor Phillip Thomas is the Pastor & founder of Better Life Assembly in Kent England. He also oversees Better Life Fellowship International. A respected spiritual leader, speaker and motivator, has resulted in many people being saved coming from diverse backgrounds.
His dedication to the church members and commitment to community initiatives which major in providing resources and services to the less fortunate has had a lasting impact on those who have experienced it. This has produced recognition and applause from the political and social elite in Kent.
An evident gift to motivate and build peoples lives through Gods word is the emphasis upon which Better Life Assembly is built.
As a conference speaker Pastor Phillip Thomas’ demand has seen him speak in 13 countries on four continents Pastor Thomas’ teaching and preaching is practical with an emphasis on hope, improvement & success for the believer in every area of their lives.
Pastor Phillip Thomas studied his B.A. Honours in Theological Studies in Greenwich University in London.
Pastor Thomas is honoured to be married to Co-Pastor Candy Thomas, a supportive wife, mother of two children and the co-pastor of Better Life Assembly and they both treasure their daughter and son.
Candy is an inspiration and mentor to women everywhere. She is committed to helping women, children and families discover their purpose and reach their highest potential in Christ.
Pastor Phillip Thomas and Pastor Candy Thomas leads an annual Conference entitled IMPACT.

Chatham Location Sunday 11am

Better Life Fellowship International